sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012

On March 1st, 1953, the morning after an all-night dinner in his country estate outside Moscow centre, Joseph Stalin failed to rise at his usual time. He was discovered lying on the floor of his room only at about 10 p.m. in the evening. The Deputy Prime Minister Lavrentiy Beria was summoned, but neither he nor the politburo called the doctors until the next day. (A few months earlier, aging and paranoid Marshal Stalin fabricated a “Doctors Plot” to assassinate top Soviet leaders). Stalin died four days later, on 5th March, and his body was transported back to the city to lay in state at the House of Trade Unions.

and when he is not playing (acting) the role of Sgt York, or being a sheriff (High Noon),
he gets off the bench to be Lou Gehrig.
But his real name is GARY COOPER

Erich Hartmann

cooking class, 1935

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Grand Central Terminal, sailors & girl by Boris Klapwald, 1953

john paul sartre, 1961

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