A C-130 Hercules from the Air Force Reserve Command’s 440th Airlift Wing at General Mitchell Air Reserve Station, Wis., sits on the ramp during a 4th of July fireworks display taking place in a neighboring community. U.S. Air Force Photo #2 by Joe Oliva
Fireworks explode over the White House to celebrate Independence Day. U.S. Navy Photo #3 by Journalist 2nd Class Mark O’Donald
Confetti rains down at the completion of the song ‘Stars and Stripes Forever’ during the 35th Boston Pops Orchestra and Fireworks Spectacular. U.S. Navy Photo #4 by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Patrick Gearhiser
The Marines photographer summed up this shot as, “U.S. throws birthday party, over 300 million people invited.” U.S. Marines Photo #5 by SSgt. Lono Kollars
Army Deployed Soldiers ‘unleash the chaos’ for Independence Day. Soldiers with Company C, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, celebrate the Fourth of July by throwing chemical lights into the air to take the place of fireworks during an Independence Day celebration. U.S. Army Photo #6 by Pfc. Kimberly Hackbarth, 4th SBCT PAO, 2nd Inf. Div, USD-C
Fireworks explode over U.S. Navy Fleet during activities in Japan. U.S. Navy Photo #7 by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Casey H. Kyhl
A U.S. Coast Guard rescue boat, from Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook, NJ, patrols the East River near the Macy’s fireworks barges. Dozens of Coast Guard patrol and rescue boats provide security for the July 4th celebration in New York. USCG Photo #8 by PA2 Tom Sperduto
Birth of the USA via Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” This military photo was noted by U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command as “Each year, Philadelphia hosts millions of residents and visitors for a celebration of the nation’s birthday.” U.S. Army Photo #9 by Staff Sgt. Sharilyn Wells
The Living Flag: Approximately 7,400 U.S. Navy staff members and students from Training Support Center, Recruit Training Command, Hospital Corps School and tenant commands at Naval Station Great Lakes, Ill., pose for a photo recreation at the naval station of the Living Flag. DoD Photo #10 by Chief Gas Turbine Electrician David C. Smith, U.S. Navy
Fireworks detonate above the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota. USAF Photo #11 by Senior Airman Marc I. Lane
Army celebrating at Yongsan Garrison in the Republic of Korea – A fireworks display culminated a day-long July 4th celebration. U.S. Army Photo #12 by Mr. David Mcnally (RDECOM)
Grand finale of Washington’s Independence Day fireworks display goes out with a bang over the Marine Corps War Memorial July 4. The fireworks were launched from the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Prior to the 1900s, guns and cannons were used to commemorate the Fourth of July holiday; however, this caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. U.S. Marines Photo #13 by Sgt. Clinton Firstbrook
Fireworks illuminate the skies over Battleship North Carolina and Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine USS North Carolina. U.S. Navy Photo #14 by Mass Communication Specialist 2ND Class Roadell Hickman
A C-47 cargo aircraft highlights the foreground during a Fourth of July fireworks display near the parade grounds of the 37th Training Wing at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. The C-47 was one of the workhorses of the Berlin Airlift humanitarian mission shortly after the birth of of the U.S. Air Force in 1947. U.S. Air Force Photo #15 by Lance Cheung
From left, U.S. Army Spc. Charles Henderson, Pfc. Collen Wells and Spc. Marshall Hodge sit inside an improvised shelter decorated with an American flag during Operation Helmand Spider in Badula Qulp, Afghanistan. The Soldiers are assigned to the Bravo Company, 4th Battalion, 23th Infantry Regiment. DoD Photo #16 by Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez, U.S. Air Force
Fireworks explode over the guided missile cruiser USS Champlain and Republic of South Korean destroyers Yi and Ulchimoonduk. U.S. Navy Photo #17 by Journalist Seaman Ryan C. McGinley
The C-141B Starlifter is the workhorse of the Air Mobility Command. The Starlifter fulfills the vast spectrum of airlift requirements through its ability to airlift combat forces over long distances, deliver those forces and their equipment either by air, land or airdrop, resupply forces and transport the sick and wounded from the hostile area to advanced medical facilities. The C-141 force, nearing nine million flying hours, has a proven reliability and long-range capability. In addition to training, worldwide airlift and combat support, the C-141 has amassed a laudatory record in response to humanitarian crises. The C-141, with its changeable cargo compartment, can transition from rollers on the floor for palletized cargo to a smooth floor for wheeled vehicles to aft facing seats or sidewall canvas seats for passengers, quickly and easily, to handle over 30 different missions. U.S. Air Force Photo #18 by Senior Airman Greg Davis
Sailors watch flares light up the sky during a Navy-style fireworks display on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. U.S. Navy Photo #19 by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jennifer S. Kimball
Fireworks in celebration of the 4th of July over the Pearl Harbor sky as ships from 14 countries sit pier side. U.S. Navy Photo #20 by Communication Specialist 1st Class Shawn D. Torgerson
Fireworks burst over Yokota Air Base, Japan, as the 374th Force Support Squadron provided live entertainment, food and fireworks during the celebration. USAF Photo #21 by USAF/Osakabe Yasuo
Fireworks explode and highlight an F/A-18A Hornet, assigned to the U.S. Navy flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels, at the Mid-South Air Show at the Millington Municipal Airport. U.S. Navy Photo #23 by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Jayme Pastoric
Soldiers wave American flags as they are recognized at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis. Happy Independence Day! U.S. Army Photo #24 by Staff Sgt. Russell Lee Klika
Fireworks illuminate Penny Lake during the Marine station’s fireworks display July 4. U.S. Marines Photo #25 by Sgt. Josh Cox
American evening under the stars and fireworks at Lackland AFB. U.S. Air Force Photo #26 by USAF/Lance Cheung
Fireworks light up the San Diego skyline during a 4th of July celebration. The 20-minute display was launched from a barge moored in San Diego Bay. U.S. Navy Photo #27 by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Scott Taylor
Member of Coast Guard Station Boston’s Harbor Defense Team maintains a sharp lookout during the Fourth of July fireworks to celebrate our nation’s independence and freedom. U.S. Coast Guard Photo #28 by PA3 Luke Pinneo
Fireworks detonate as the Military Sealift Command dry cargo-ammunition ship USNS Amelia Earhart. U.S. Navy Photo #29 by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Steve Vasquez
Fireworks light up Rosenblatt Stadium in the Heartland to broaden awareness of the USAF’s role in the war on terrorism and strengthen support for Airmen serving worldwide in defense of freedom. USAF Photo #30 by Staff Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III
Sailors, their families and Japanese guests watch a fireworks display as part of a 4th of July celebration at Fleet Activities Yokosuka. We <3 (heart) you America! U.S. Navy Photo #31 by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class N. Ross Taylor
Happy Birthday USA – flag unfurling during pre-race ceremonies Milwaukee Mile racetrack. U.S. Navy Photo #32 by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Michael Worner
Virginia Beach, Va, Fireworks – Naval Air Station Oceana Air Show. U.S. Navy Photo #34 by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jason Johnston
A U.S. Sailor from Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 3 suspends an American flag from an SH-60F Seahawk helicopter. DoD Photo #35 by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Daniel Barker, U.S. Navy
Fireworks from the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival. USCG Photo #36 by FN Diantha Kaufman, Coast Guard Station Marblehead, Ohio
Marine Corps Bases Japan – Fireworks, barbecues and camp fires are just a few common activities held during the 4th of July holiday celebrating America’s independence. U.S. Marines Photo #37 by Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Denny
Fireworks at the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam explode over two Aegis-class cruisers, USS Chosin and USS Lake Erie. U.S. Navy Photo #38 by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Mark Logico
Fireworks explode over Fleet Activities Sasebo. U.S. Navy Photo #40 by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Casey H. Kyhl
Fireworks erupt in front of a C-130 Hercules on the flightline. USAF Photo #41 by Staff Sgt. Veronica Pierce
Newly commissioned Navy and Marine Corps officers toss their hats. No matter how you say Happy Birthday America and celebrate, we hope you are this excited. Go big or go home. U.S. Navy Photo #42 by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad Runge
Lady Liberty we salute you too. As you celebrate Independence Day, spare a thought for our troops and for their families. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July! Photo #43 by DesktopNexus
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